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李晓萍 王伟力  金银流霞丨古代金银货币鉴赏丨








1801年,在伍国莹死后的第二年,其子伍秉鉴继承父业,掌管怡和行,由于他的精心经营,很快就积累了巨额的财富,使怡和洋行成为了行商中的佼佼者。1807年怡和行跃居行商第二位, 1813年清政府在行商中设立总商,伍秉鉴居总商之首。伍秉鉴在西方商人眼中是一个“诚实、亲切、细心、慷慨,而且富有”的人,英国人曾称他“善于理财,聪明过人。天生有懦弱的性格”。






The Creek Factory And It’s Silver ingot

By Weili Wang

Howqua, or Wu Bingjian, was one of the richest Chinese though last millennium, and once one of the richest men in the world.Born 1769,he and his farther Wu Guoying established the Creek Factory, or Ewo Hong,the most successful factory of the Thirteen Factories in the 18thand 19th century, and become the largest creditor of the East India Company.

In 1757, the Emperor Qianlong limited Westerners to the port of Canton, and no other area.And within the port of Canton, the movements were also limited. The Europeans could not leave the waterfront or enter the city walls. They could not also bring their families. Prohibition concerning the bringing of families was logical.Foreign merchants could only do business between October and March and after that, they must all leave the island. They were also not allowed to learn Chinese. Most importantly, the foreign merchants must made all transaction through intermediaries called the Hongs.

The Creek Factory, or Ewo, was founded in 1783-84,by Howqua, or Wu Bingjian and his father Wu Guoying,with previous experience as a former employee of Puankhequa,the chief merchant in Canton between 1760 and 1788.


Because his Chinese name was too difficult for western traders to pronounce, the name Howqua comes from his Chinese Business Name , very similar to a Doing business as or trading as.

Howqua took over the Creek Factory in 1801 or 1803, which later became the leader of the cohong of the Thirteen Factories, after the death of his father. Howqua was the senior of the Hong merchants in Canton, one of the few authorized to trade silk and porcelain with foreigners.

His knowledge, and even familiarity with mercantile details connected with the trade of foreign ports, was truly astonishing; sound judgment, true prudence,wary circumspection, and a wise economy, were distinguishing traits of his mercantile character.

It is no mean testimony to his patriotism, and his respect and regulations of his country, as a type of the old Chinese conservative of the “purest rayserene”.


It seems almost incredible,but less true,that ,to the last,he directed his vast and complicated trade,which almost encircled the globe alone.

One of the most intimate of his foreign friends expressed his belief that Howqua was then worth at least $25,000,000;except a small portion, the whole isthe result of his own industry and enterprise.

The founders of then world-renowned firms including James Matheson,William Jardine, Samuel Russell and Abiel Abbot Low all had a close relationship with Howqua. Jardine Matheson & Co continued to use"Ewo" as their Chinese name.

Silver ingots casted by the Creek Factory as part of responsibility in collecting customs duties from the incoming foreign ships were forgotten until recently, with same design as normal Canton silver ingots except marked with name of the factory Ewo, so far only 4 examples have been found.


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