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李晓萍 英文王伟力 金银流霞丨古代金银货币鉴赏丨









光绪十三年(1887年)正月二十日,两广总督张之洞上奏朝廷,提出在广东设立钱局,用机器铸钱并制造银币:“广东华洋交错,通省皆用外洋银钱,波及广西,至于闽、台、浙江、皖、鄂、烟台、天津所有通商口岸以及湖南长沙、湘潭、四川打箭炉、前后藏无不通行,以致利归外洋,漏卮无底。窃惟铸币便民,乃国家自有之权利,铜钱银钱,理无二致,皆应我行我法,方为得体。……铸成之后,支放各种饷需官项,与征收厘捐、盐课、杂税及粤省洋关税项向收洋银者,均与洋银一同行用,不拘成数银色,另与外国上等洋银相等。粤省此次订购铸钱机器,兼有铸银圆机器,拟即选募西人善铸银元者来华试造”。尽管这一奏请被朝廷批复缓办,但张之洞并没有放弃制造银元的计划,他一方面请驻英公使刘瑞英与英国伯明罕喜敦造币厂(Ralph Heaton & Sons Mint)接恰订购全套造币机器设备,另一方面在广州东门外黄华塘买地82亩余,参照喜敦厂规模布局兴建新型造币厂。并一次又一次地恳请朝廷准许广东自制银元,终得朝廷“先由粤省行用”的准许。从此,银元成为广东的主要货币,致使银锭铸造逐步萎缩,最终退出流通领域。


Foreign merchant ships from Europe,America,and Aisa came to Pearl River in Canton,Chinato trade with Chinese based on Canton system witch under direct control of Imperial court since 1684. The Canton System of trading brought huge benefits to the imperial court, taxes collected from custom revenue contributed most of the annual income during its heydays, more than any other source of income. As the result of Second Opium War, Convention of Peking states that one-fifth of the gross revenue from Canton Customs the recollected should be paid as war expenses quarterly. Taxes were paid with silver,witch would be casted into ingots. There are few silver ingots with marks of Canton Customs remained today due to various historical reasons; however the se examples could still be used as materials of researching with the Canton Systemof trading.

The Thirteen Factories were supervised by officials appointed by the imperial court to take charge and collect taxes for the goods traded, silver coins that collected earlier would be casted into ingots than handed later. Canton Customs collected taxes for national trading, and casting silver ingots. Extra units of silver would be collected in order to reduce losses during cast.Records shown that there were private mints located near the custom stations in Macau offering silver ingots with Canton custom marks; this indicated that these silver ingots could be prepared immediately when payments were asked.


The sesilver ingots were stamped with 3 marks on the surface, with Canton customsmark on the top, year of issuing mark on the left, and marks of name of mints or Jewelers on the right, some examples were stamped without names.Examples with various names have been found,dating back from 1805 to 1883.

Althoughthe custom stations were opened in 1685, the earliest example founded dated back in 1805,with more examples from later decade until 1870s. Silver coins suchas Spanish dollars and Mexican pesos were spread in China during 19thcentury, since silver was the only foreign commodity China would accept. In the late half of the 19th Century Western nations trading with China found it cheaper and more expedient to mint their own coins, from their own supplies of silver, than to continue to use coins from Mexican or Spanish piece of 8 reals.

The Viceroy of Liangguang,Zhang Zhidong, submitted a request producing silver coins at Canton mint in early 1887. The request was delayed by imperial court, however the plan continued with equipments and materials supplied by Ralph Heaton & Sons Mint, a brand new mint opened later and new coins were struck as the request was approved by imperial court, replacing nowout-dated copper cash and various silver ingots.

Silver ingots are crucial materials for research and analyses of Canton System, with evidences and proofs of how the unique trading control system works, its rise and fall, and impacts and legacies remained today.

( By Weili Wang)

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